Bringing babies to biomedicine?

Bringing babies to biomedicine?
Bringing Babies to Biomedicine?
Bringing Babies to Biomedicine?
Bringing Babies to Biomedicine?
I arrive back in the village this summer to some great news- one of my good friends, and a primary informant, is expecting a baby! Great news! Excited, I ask for all the details. He tells me that the doctor has told his wife that she would need to go to the hospital in a town about 4 hours drive away and deliver by Caesarian section. He wants to know if I could give them a ride in my truck when the time comes. He seems disappointed by the doctor’s pronouncement and I want to reassure him that I will help facilitate the best outcome for the family. I want to do anything that I can to help out but I’m not sure what that is. I am concerned about the increasing rate of C-sections that are not medically necessary and I value the traditional home-birthing practices still prominent in the village. However, I want my friends to have the best possible care for their child and I want to give them help in whatever form they ask for it if it’s in my power. For my research, it’s best to not interfere with whatever they want to do, but how do I not interfere? It seems like, whatever I choose, someone’s values are compromised.

I am having an ethical dilemma!

What would you do?

Agree, with no further discussion or interference

By choosing this option, I show humility and deference- simply facilitating the wishes of the family. I, in one sense, show that I am the impartial researcher, simply observing what is happening while still offering a little help in redressing the issues of access that are present. I ...

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Agree, but explain that they are in a position to disagree with the doctor’s recommendation

By choosing this option, I am able to give my friend and informant what he has asked for in terms of help but I still am able to express my opinion about what I think is a viable alternative. By leaving the ultimate decision up to him, I value ...

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Decline, saying you object to them going to the hospital

Choosing this option, I stay true to my personal beliefs that the members of the community should, as a general rule, continue to give birth in a safer environment which, in most cases, is the home. I am transparent with the community members by telling them why I am ...

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Decline, saying you don’t ever give rides to anyone

If I give a ride to this family, how do I choose who to give rides to and what reasons are justified for me to spend hours driving? By choosing not to give the ride, I neither condone nor condemn birthing in the hospital- I stay out of the ...

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What do you think?