Bringing Babies to Biomedicine?

Offering my time and vehicle for a service that I didn’t support proved to be a dilemma for me. I’ve given you four choices that I considered before I made my decision. Pick the option that best fits your ethical philosophy and see if you come to the same conclusion as I did. Leave a comment below if you have an/other idea/s!

Bringing Babies to Biomedicine?

If I give a ride to this family, how do I choose who to give rides to and what reasons are justified for me to spend hours driving? By choosing not to give the ride, I neither condone nor condemn birthing in the hospital- I stay out of the conversation and disrupt the normal pattern of life as little as possible. I have more time for my research and I allow access to medical birthing to proceed as it would if I were not there. But is this really an ethical choice? How will I feel if something happens to the baby and I might have helped prevent it?

Bringing Babies to Biomedicine?

Choosing this option, I stay true to my personal beliefs that the members of the community should, as a general rule, continue to give birth in a safer environment which, in most cases, is the home. I am transparent with the community members by telling them why I am declining to give them a ride. But is doing the ‘right’ thing according to my belief system really the most ethical choice?

Bringing Babies to Biomedicine?

By choosing this option, I am able to give my friend and informant what he has asked for in terms of help but I still am able to express my opinion about what I think is a viable alternative. By leaving the ultimate decision up to him, I value his reasoning and remain humble in terms of expressing my opinion- as well as engaging in potentially beneficial reciprocity. But am I really choosing the most beneficial response for all concerned? What about my own ethical guide?

Bringing Babies to Biomedicine?

By choosing this option, I show humility and deference- simply facilitating the wishes of the family. I, in one sense, show that I am the impartial researcher, simply observing what is happening while still offering a little help in redressing the issues of access that are present. I please the members of the community by giving freely of my resources and seem supportive of their choices. Something just doesn’t seem quite right, however. Why do I feel like I should be doing more to stop this? Is this the most ethical choice?